Cultural Awareness
Home: Customized Cultural Training About Us: Experience and Expertise in Cultural Training Our Services: Customized Cross-Cultural Training, Expatriate Training, Intercultural Management Our Consultants: International Team of Experts in Cross-Cultural Training Our Clients: Successful Global Companies Our Difference Books and Articles: Cross-Cultural Business Solutions Contact Us-Customized Training by International Team of Experts
I had a very good first week after the coaching sessions. Several times I was under control due to a lot of discussions with you. I regret that I did not make this training earlier. I am really pleased and proud to be coached and trained by you! Your expertise exceeds my needs.
--Director, Thyssen Krupp
Satisfied Customers are Our Company's Assets

“Hi Sheida,
Thank you again for your excellent presentation. I have received very positive feedback from the participants on your presentation.”
…Philip Berry
Vice President, Global Workplace Initiatives
Colgate-Palmolive Company

I got excellent feedback from Booz Allen Hamilton regarding your presentation on Global Diversity. ”
…Jackee Schwartz, Speakers Bureau

“Dear Sheida:
Thanks for your contribution to the success of our meeting! I think we will be talking about the "flexible and negotiable" true meaning for some time to come. Everyone was very pleased and invigorated by your session. It was delightful to finally meet you in person. I'll certainly keep you on my list of "people to recommend" to our other Bayer colleagues. Thanks again for everything!”
…Margaret Gadsby, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs -Bayer CropScience

“The feedback is: "your program was great!"”
…Vannessa Bullen, Human Resources
The Gucci Group, Global HR Meeting

“I went to a talk the other day by Sheida Hodge at the Washington State China Relations Council. Ms. Hodge did an absolutely superb job speaking on Chinese cultural issues. ”
…From a blog posted by Dan Harris, Attorney

“Good morning Sheida,
Thank you for an absolutely charming and informative presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and left feeling sufficiently more prepared to work with successfully with Chinese/American companies. ”
…Monica N. Moe
Business Development Manager
FCM Travel Solutions

“HI Sheida,
Thank you! It was great to have you come to Lisbon and thank you for an energizing and inspiring session - also it was just lovely to see you again - I hope you got home easily and safely. ”
…Dominic Tidey
Program Director, European Relocation Association

“Dear Sheida,
I am glad to inform you that I am trying to follow your experience and advices and I had a very good first week after the coaching sessions. Several times I was under control due to a lot of discussions with you.
I regret that I did not make this training earlier. I am really pleased and proud to be coached and trained by you! Your expertise exceeds my needs.
Thanks so much,”
…Valmir Marchiori, Director of Crankshaft Operations, Thyssen Krupp

“HI Sheida,
Terrific presentation!
I thought you were terrific yesterday at the WSCRC. This is my first meeting at anything like this; it was very good. Thank you so much; ”
…H.S. Wright III
Real Estate Developer & Venture Capitalist

“Today's Presentation
A very well deserved compliment! We completely agree it was a terrific presentation and we should probably do it again later this year. Best regards, Joe”
…Joe Borich, Executive Director,
Washington State China Relations Council

“Hi Sheida,
Great program today, all the feedback I received was positive.”
…Scott Heinlein
Deputy Director
Washington State China Relations Council

“Re: Effective Communication and Negotiation in the Middle East
Thank you so much, Sheida. I enjoyed your presentation very much. Your extensive experience is evident. If I ever have the opportunity to engage a cross-cultural consultant, you'll be the first to receive my call!”
…Tricia Burke, New York

“Dear Ms. Sheida Hodge:
Thank you for your time, participation and expertise at the inaugural National Business Incubation Association Trade Forum. All reports from the NBIA staff were very positive and there is already discussion underway about adding this type of event to next year's International Conference on Business Incubation. Your presentation and passion for your topic was not only relevant for the audience but enlightening as well. Thank you again for your valuable input to this International Trade Forum event and hope there will be many more opportunities to continue our partnership. In fact, we are currently planning the 2008 Washington Association of Small Business Incubation best practice conference. We will contact you with the conference details once they have been finalized.”
…Colleen Barta, Washington State Small Business Incubation

“ Dear Sheida,
It was a terrific interview on cross-cultural management issues.
The announcement went out to students and alumni yesterday.”
…Anita Brick, Director, Career Advancement Programs, Career Services
University of Chicago, Chicago GSB

“Hi Sheida!
I talked to the WTC this morning and they mentioned that your presentation was just fantastic and that they received fantastic feedback from the attendees. I am so glad you were able to participate.
Hope to be able to see you soon!
Clara Esmeral, Manager, International Business Development, Global One Inc.
Definitely would recommend Sheida. Very organized and responsive in meeting
preparation needs, excellent content and warm delivery at event. Sheida added value by
offering post event consulting at no extra charge.”
…Vice President, HR, Thomson Prometric,
Leadership Conference

With regard to feedback, my dealings with you have been positive. You were responsive, accommodating, and perceptive in understanding what our needs are. I think the training evaluations speak for themselves.
Thanks Sheida, ”
…Mina Lolomarie, HR, Honeywell

I will strongly recommend you as a presenter and consultant. You are a spark! of personality and a well-spring of practical information when it comes to globalization and its effect on companies, their strategy to obtain new customers and penetrate new markets, and specifically your poignant insights and techniques with regard to "intercultural preparedness" for executives, managers, and their families, not just before departure but more importantly while on the assignment. Thank you for presenting at my conferences.”
…Edwin Cohen, Editor and Publisher, GLOBAL HR,

“Sheida, your presentation was very well received by the attendees. I believe it was right on target and very timely. You were a pleasure to work with and I hope we can work together again some time in the near future.”
…Jennifer Buffington
The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.

Thank you for a very instructive and enthusiastic presentation. Many of our members told me that they were very impressed with the information you presented and enjoyed your style of presenting. ”
…Al Damico
Daikin America, Inc.

We are happy that you were a part of conference in Prague and thank you for your excellent presentation!”
…Tanja Rief, International Sales- Travel Retail

“Hi Sheida - I want you to know what a "hit" your presentation was. The feedback I received used words such as "dynamic, outstanding, incredible and first-rate." Everyone agreed that you focused your presentation to meld perfectly with the theme of the conference. If there was a complaint it was that people wished the workshop was even longer than one hour - a complaint I'll take any day!I think we presented an important program - one that people are still talking about.
Many thanks again, Sheida. Your participation helped to ensure that our conference was a big success!”
…Judi Schillaci, Executive Director
Hauppauge Industrial Association

“It was absolutely delightful to meet you. You made a wonderful addition to our TFAP Conference program. A heartfelt thanks from all of us at the Tax Free World Association for coming to Singapore for the event. I think it would be tremendous to have you with us in Cannes and I hope you’ll keep 22nd of October open.
I really learned so much and I realize how much more I have to learn!”
…TFWA Conference Manager

“I learned more in your brief seminar at our convention than I’d learned in six years of trial and error while working with people from Russia, Brazil and China. Your content was so wonderfully basic and concise that I feel most of what I learned can be used with most of my own countrymen.”
…Coldwell Banker.

“Thank you for doing such an outstanding job. Everyone was thrilled with the training and thought it was beneficial. We look forward to doing other sessions in the future.”
…Regional Marketing Director, American Skandia

“Your seminar was very well received by the participants, who gave you the highest rating on your knowledge of the subject matter and quality of presentation.”

“Your presentation was very well prepared and helped Sprint to develop credibility in the global marketplace. Sprint has a very good story to tell and you helped deliver that message in an interactive, enthusiastic manner.”
…Regional Opportunity Development Manager, Sprint

“I would like to applaud the accuracy of your information on doing business with Singapore and China. I have worked with other training organizations in the area of international business and I am more impressed with the quality of your information and experiential training style. You are truly an asset to any organization that wishes to increase their effectiveness in today’s global marketplace.”
…President, Singapore American Business Association

“I have heard nothing but positive comments from participants. This has been our experience each time you have provided training for our employees. They have expressed appreciation for you style, honesty, and genuine knowledge of the facts and insights into other cultures. You were described as an “excellent speaker” and your materials as “wonderful.”
… Human Resources, Fieldstone Communities, Inc.

“I want to thank you for your informative presentation to our sales team. Frequently seminars are boring and don’t fulfill their brochure promises. This program exceeded my expectations as a customer.”
…Area Sales Manager, Pardee Construction Company

“Your program helped me a lot. I recognized things that I have been doing without realizing and other things I should have done long ago.”
…Engineer, The Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division

“Excellent overview of international contracts/markets and personal factors affecting them. This program made me more aware of cultural factors and reinforced the actions and approaches I have already been taking in my work.”
…Director of Procurement, Cubic Corporation

“I found your presentation at Applied Materials on cross-cultural negotiations to be both humorous and enlightening.”
... President, Haluch & Associates

“I heard rave reviews from the participants on the program you presented at the FAR convention last week.”
… Director of Education, Florida Association of Realtors

“Sheida Hodge was very informed with excellent communication skills…up-to-date knowledge of current events…provided good class-participation drills…excellent audio-video materials…communicated well and had expertise in the subjects covered…class participation was encouraged and the atmosphere was open”
…Participant from a program held at The Boeing Company

“Ms. Hodge is a person with experience and knows who to transmit it”
...Mexico City

“I enjoyed the training – it was very informative and something I will be able to utilize on the job…This was very informative and will help me to deal with different nationalities…The instructor was well-prepared and seemed to enjoy what she taught – she kept the interest of everyone in the room – great job!”
…Participant from a recent program held at Shea Homes

"The course was excellent. I have been a Realtor for the past 13 years and have attended many classes and seminars. I would say that Sheida's seminar was one of the best."
… Prudential

"I am very enthusiastic to use your negotiating ideas with my clients. After 22 years in real estate, I don't know where anyone can get that much valuable information in just a few hours."
… Century 21

"I very much enjoyed your seminar and gave you a glowing report to the convention chairman. I am certain that we will see you next year."
… Vice-President, Coldwell Banker

“Sheida was excellent! She was informed, enthusiastic, charming and animated. She was receptive to various cultures and personalities and was open to discussing relevant topics that came up during the program. She is extraordinary with dealing with people, regardless of ethnic origin. She is most certainly a great asset to any task or group effort. I can’t tell you how much I gleaned from this multi-cultural learning experience. Sheida knows how to inspire enthusiastic participation and fosters a real sense of how to become properly educated about foreign cultures and the experiences each one of us has to offer.”
…Academic Program Manager
Department of Business & Management

“Thank you once again for your excellent Seminar presented recently in Mexico City, Mastering the Art of Negotiations. The program was very successful, and your presentation style and the program development were highly commended. Every attendee Walks away with practical strategies that can be put to use immediately, in addition to having fun while learning!”
… Program Manager
Technology Training Corporation

“On behalf of thunderbird, I am pleased to have this opportunity to thank you so very much for your seminar during the Winterim 1997. Winterim is one of the most exciting features of the school—this excitement is due to the enthusiastic participation of our quest lecturers! ”
--Associate Vice President

“The critics are raving. Your course was a hit. Once again, outstanding reviews have filled your evaluations. Your critically acclaimed performance attests to your superior pedagogical abilities, and is the best publicity we have. I am very grateful to have you as a very valuable instructor.”
…Manger, Department of Business & management

“Excellent, Excellent, Excellent. It was very informative and something I will be able to utilize on the job. The best presentation to date!”
…SHEA HOMES, Homebuilder

“You really have helped me and others at the hospital understand, and be sensitive to, cultural differences. I hope you are busy and doing a lot of work! I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t be satisfied with yourself—you are truly supporting world peace and understanding.”
…President, San Antonio Community Hospital, Upland, California

“Thank you for your outstanding contribution in the development and ongoing implementation of our three-week seminar. Your contribution in developing the negotiation aspect of our program has been a significant part of the total education process. The feedback we’ve received from both the graduate students and the professionals who participated in your seminar has been most complementary.”
…Visiting Professor

“We have heard nothing but excellent comments from the many participants who attended your session at our Annual Convention and Trade Expo. In fact, our members are still talking about your presentation…the valuable information you provided and how it will benefit them in their careers.”
…Director of Professional Development
New Jersey Association of REALTORS

“I wanted to take the opportunity to express enjoyment of the International Business Negotiation program that I recently attended. I found the program to be most interesting and insightful.”
…Sr. Manager, Business Development
Ingram Micro

“Ms. Hodge was very knowledgeable and her teaching technique of using many types of different modalities was theoretically and practically well founded. The sessions were made into experiences of international business rather than just the traditional theoretical discussions. Her presentation was stimulating, engaging, and easy to follow.”
…Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corporations
B-2 Division

“Thank you for your excellent program at the Boeing Company. I was impressed with the participants but most of all I was impresses with your professional programs. On my way out I talked to five or six people who expressed complete satisfaction with your program.”
…The Boeing Company
Space Division

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I hope that this expresses my thanks to you during our recent Annual International Convention in Orlando. Everyone I came into contact with at the event absolutely loved your session! Not only are you a professional, you are delightful and a pleasure to work to work with. You went the extra mile and I really appreciate it.”
….Director of Meetings,
Realty executives International

“I would like to thank you for the outstanding presentation on Effective Global Negotiating Skills and Strategies. As you can see from the enclosed evaluations, the seminar was very well received by the participants, with “an excellent knowledge of subject”, “met course objectives”, “and quality of presentation” ranking the highest.
Thank you for sharing your rich experience.”
…Seminar Committee

“Thank you for doing an outstanding job. Everyone was thrilled with the training and thought it was beneficial.”
…Regional Marketing Manager

“Many thanks for a superb job—well done! Your presentation on cross-cultural negotiation accurately addressed our needs. It added a significant dimension to our experience. Your research, thoroughness, style of presentation, all delivered with a keen sense of humor, brought home. Many attendees commented that they now feel better prepared for those future negotiating sessions with people from different cultures. You will be hearing from me.”
…Program Manager and Consultant,
Applied Materials

“We have completed the processing of all the session evaluations, with the overall rating of 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5. Your session, Global Negotiating Skills: Tolls to Keep You One Step Ahead, received a rating of 4.75. Your efforts showed in the final product. ERC deeply appreciates the time and effort you put into making the Symposium a tremendous success!”
…Senior Director, Conference Management
Employee Relocation Counc

“Excellent! The program was simple and direct.”
…Estafeta Mexicana SA de CV


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