Cross-Cultural Communication
Home: Customized Cultural Training About Us: Experience and Expertise in Cultural Training Our Services: Customized Cross-Cultural Training, Expatriate Training, Intercultural Management Our Consultants:International Team of Experts in Cross-Cultural Training Our Clients: Successful Global Companies Our Difference Books and Articles-Developing Cross-Cultural Knowledge and Expertise Contact Us-Customized Training by International Team of Experts
Thank you for your excellent presentation at the International Trademark Association Conference in Berlin. I received numerous compliments, one after the other; about your topic and your presentation style ... all wonderful comments, of course. I do wish we had more time for you to talk, but you did an excellent job in such a short time period. You definitely covered everything you and I had discussed.
--INTA Program Director, Circle R. Trademark Services
Book and Articles

Hodge International Advisors has many years experience helping people develop new skills in cross-cultural management and cross-cultural communication. We offer a selection of complimentary articles on our web site in an effort to share our expertise.

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